Working with Couples, Dyads and Families
"In all cultures, the family imprints its members with selfhood. Human experience of identity has two elements; a sense of belonging and a sense of being separate. The laboratory in which these ingredients are mixed and dispensed is the family, the matrix of identity." ~ Salvador Minuchin ​

I enjoy helping families learn the skills of cooperation, compassion and understanding to help the family unit communicate and grow with each other. I help each individual provide relief and effective problem solving for the stressors encountered in family life. I help individuals reduce distress while enhancing their inner strengths while working toward a cohesiveness within the family unit.
I also work with couples with varying dynamics that are in a relationship. We work on restoring open and honest communication, breaking destructive patterns, and manage the different phases of a relationship. I approach couples understanding that people vary in their need for intimacy and closeness and that these differences create conflict. I help couples develop an understanding of each other's inner workings and use this knowledge for each other's benefit. We will work to transform conflict into opportunities for deeper intimacy and connection. I have trained with The Couples Institute.