Sandplay therapy is beneficial for both adults and children. It can be used in combination with other forms of therapy, and encourages the process of self-discovery and healing.
For children, the use of miniatures in a contained tray invites play in a protected space. The work can be verbal or non-verbal, and involves the whole child: senses, emotions, thoughts, and behavior.
Because the body and mind are fully engaged, this experience creates neural pathways in the brain, developing new memories and new internal resources which can be called upon in later real world situations. The process of making scenes in the sand allows for the child to be in complete control, while limiting responsibility to a tiny, manageable world. Experiences become meaningful and hidden aspects of the child’s self can be expressed and acknowledged. Imagination can be given free rein, behaviors can be rehearsed, obstacles defined, and overcome.
For adults, sandplay therapy is not only for those dealing with specific issues. Those who are seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and a desire to live more consciously can also choose to explore themselves through a sandplay therapy process.
“In sandplay therapy, through the free and protected space, the individual is able to penetrate the depths of the personality and experience the Self. From this ground, a more naturally balanced relationship between the ego and the Self manifests. When this occurs, one has the opportunity to live life in a more conscious, authentic manner,” according to Sandplay Therapists of America, a nonprofit organization that promotes education, training and research in sandplay therapy.